Pinhole Camera #02
An 8 x 10 wide angle camera
This is my second pinhole camera made from scratch.
The camera focal length is 130mm. (equivalent to a 21 mm wide angle on a 35mm camera)
The F-stop is around 280. This camera has a rotating back so I can take portrait
or landscape pictures. It can hold a standard 8x10 sheet film holder.
I made the camera as separate changeable parts, this is to help in practicing towards
the eventual goal of making a full 8x10 view camera. As you can see I am currently just
using some wood clamps to hold the parts together, but that is temporary.

Front View

Back View

Simple Shutter
I recently added this simple shutter. Removing the dark slide on the 8x10
Polaroid holder is a two handed operation. So there are no thumbs free to keep
the pinhole covered. On long exposures this isn't an issue, but for shorter
exposures the shutter is a big help.
Here are some pictures taken with this camera
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©Greg Roberts 2002